End of Module Evaluation

Studio Brief 3: Project Report

Studio Brief 2: Collaborative Practice - YCN Boost

For studio brief 2 - collaborative practice I teamed up with Bobby Jones. We decided to work on a YCN competition brief. Once we had chosen a brief to work on we rewrite the brief.

Once we had the brief rewritten we began to brainstorm ideas. First we had to come up with a name for the product. We brainstormed names and set up a survey so we could see what name people preferred.

Now that we had a name for the product I went on to designing the packaging for the bottle. I started of my looking at different typefaces that I could use.

We decided to choose the Kravitz typeface. To complete this, we added a continuous line around the type to enclose it and to make it resemble more the already existing brand logo.

Final Logo:

Label measurements:

I now went on to creating the label, for this I did a few layout ideas and later created the ones I thought would be more successful on illustrator.

Mock up:

Now that I had the measurements and the label ideas I still felt like something was missing to the design so I started brainstorming and created the following concept. Since this was a flavoured water I started to look at water and how it was formed from different atoms.

I took this idea into illustrator a creating the following pattern which I would use throughout the rest of the design and campaign.

Final Label Designs:

For each flavour the pattern would change colour.


For the production we printed the labels on acetate so that the colour of the drink would show through the label.

For the last part of the brief a campaign was needed for the new product, I focused on the printed campaign creating billboards and posters whilst Bobby focused on social media and digital coverage.

Here are some sketches I did of possible designs:

Using mock ups in photoshop I created the following ideas for the campaign:

Finally I put together the design boards that we would send of to enter the competition.

My Final Design Boards:

Studio Brief 1: Individual Practice - Jessica Promotional Pack

I was approached by a second year Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern student to create a promotional pack to showcase there work and to be sent out to different studios for placements.


To create a promotional pack with her work to be used to find a placement.


  • Size
  • To fit all content and deliverables into a sleeve.
  • Her work to be the main focus.
  • Simple and Quirky.

Target Audience:

Design companies.

Tone of Voice:

Informative and promotional.

Mandatory Requirements:

  • To use provided imagery.


  • CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Sleeve
  • Postcards

The promotional pack was needed in time for the students exhibition so this brief had a quick turnover. I started off by designing the CV and cover letter.

CV and Cover Letter:

I kept in consideration what the client wanted by some of her quirky work to showcase her style. Using a pattern for the back and making the same pattern gradient into the other side to make it look different from other cv’s. The client has a hand rendered approach so her name would be added later in her own hand writing making each one different.


For the sleeve, I chose to design it the same size as a DL envelope (110mm x 220mm) so the cv and cover letter would fit the sleeve. On one side I placed a pattern the client had sent me and for the other I left blank so hand written typed could be added after.

Final Deliverables:

When the work was presented to the client, she had decided that the sleeve didn’t work well as a holder for the pack and decided to use a belly band with hand written type.

Final Design Boards:

Studio Brief 1: Individual Practice - Kate Promotional Pack

I was approached by a second year Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern student to create a promotional pack to showcase there work and to be sent out to different studios for placements.


To create a promotional pack with her work to be used to find a placement.


  • Size
  • To fit all content and deliverables into a folder.
  • Her work to be the main focus.
  • Double sided.

Target Audience:

Interior and fashion design companies.
High End.
30 - 50 years.

Tone of Voice:

Professional and Descriptive.

Mandatory Requirements:

  • To use provided imagery.


  • CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Folder
  • 3 - 4 Postcards

Having already completed a brief for a promotional pack for another second year Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern I already knew what was expected for this brief. To complete the brief I was giving two days to design and put together the promotional pack.

CV and Cover Letter:

For the CV and cover letter I decided to do something similar to the other brief by making them double sided with a piece of the clients work on the back and the information on the other side.


For the folder I used a template I had already made and adapted it to the brief using the images I was provided with and taking into consideration the clients requirements.


The postcards were kept simple displaying a variety of work produced by the client.

Final Deliverables:

Final Design Boards:

Studio Brief 1: Individual Practice - Sophie Promotional Pack

I was approached by a second year Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern student to create a promotional pack to showcase there work and to be sent out to different studios for placements.


To create a promotional pack with her work to be used to find a placement.


  • Size
  • To fit all content and deliverables into a folder.
  • Her work to be the main focus.

Target Audience:

Interior and fashion design companies.

Tone of Voice:

Professional and Friendly.

Mandatory Requirements:
  • To use provided imagery.


  • CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Business Card
  • Folder
  • Postcards

I got started straight away with this brief because the the client needed the promotional pack for her end of year exhibition that was just three days after I had been approached to do the work.

First I had to decide on the format for the promotional pack, as the pack was to be sent out as a mail shot.

CV and Cover Letter - A4
Postcards - 170mm x 120mm
Business Cards - 80mm x 55mm
Folder - 220mm x 160mm

I chose these sizes so that all the pack would fit into the folder, be a suitable size for postage and keep print costs to a minimum in order to produce the pack at a low cost. Keeping the cost down was important so many could be produced.

CV and Cover Letter:

For the cv and cover letter I decided to make them double sided, this way I could use the space on the back to showcase a piece of the clients work. All though I wanted to keep costs down this was a good way to show more work with out creating to much clutter in the pack.


The font used is Garamond. This was a font that the client sent me whilst I was designing that she wanted used on the promotional pack.

After I had produced a few layouts of how the information could be displayed I showed the client and from there a layout was chosen.

Once I had the layout I went on to designing the CV in indesign.

Cover Letter:

For the cover letter I used a similar layout to the CV to keep consistency.

For the back of the CV and Cover Letter I placed one of the images the client provided me with.


The postcards would be used to show a collection of the clients work. One side would showcase the work and on the other would have the logo.

Business Cards:

The Business cards are designed to the standard format of 85mm x 55mm. This was done so that they could fit into wallets and card holders without being to big or small.

For the front of the card I used the logo as the main focus and then below the contact details.

For the back I chose to use one pattern and extend it over the back of multiple cards, this would give each card an individual part of the patter creating a different back for each card.


The folder was the most important part of the pack. It would be the first thing that the viewer would come into contact with represented the client.

Taking into consideration the deliverables I made a quick template of how the folder would be.

Once I had done this I went onto producing it on Adobe Illustrator.

Now that I had everything designed I met with the client to discuss stock. She decided to go with an antique white paper because of the quality and texture.

Final deliverables:

Final Design Boards: