Studio Brief 2: Collaborative Practice - YCN Boost

For studio brief 2 - collaborative practice I teamed up with Bobby Jones. We decided to work on a YCN competition brief. Once we had chosen a brief to work on we rewrite the brief.

Once we had the brief rewritten we began to brainstorm ideas. First we had to come up with a name for the product. We brainstormed names and set up a survey so we could see what name people preferred.

Now that we had a name for the product I went on to designing the packaging for the bottle. I started of my looking at different typefaces that I could use.

We decided to choose the Kravitz typeface. To complete this, we added a continuous line around the type to enclose it and to make it resemble more the already existing brand logo.

Final Logo:

Label measurements:

I now went on to creating the label, for this I did a few layout ideas and later created the ones I thought would be more successful on illustrator.

Mock up:

Now that I had the measurements and the label ideas I still felt like something was missing to the design so I started brainstorming and created the following concept. Since this was a flavoured water I started to look at water and how it was formed from different atoms.

I took this idea into illustrator a creating the following pattern which I would use throughout the rest of the design and campaign.

Final Label Designs:

For each flavour the pattern would change colour.


For the production we printed the labels on acetate so that the colour of the drink would show through the label.

For the last part of the brief a campaign was needed for the new product, I focused on the printed campaign creating billboards and posters whilst Bobby focused on social media and digital coverage.

Here are some sketches I did of possible designs:

Using mock ups in photoshop I created the following ideas for the campaign:

Finally I put together the design boards that we would send of to enter the competition.

My Final Design Boards: