Studio Brief 1: Individual Practice - Kate Promotional Pack

I was approached by a second year Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern student to create a promotional pack to showcase there work and to be sent out to different studios for placements.


To create a promotional pack with her work to be used to find a placement.


  • Size
  • To fit all content and deliverables into a folder.
  • Her work to be the main focus.
  • Double sided.

Target Audience:

Interior and fashion design companies.
High End.
30 - 50 years.

Tone of Voice:

Professional and Descriptive.

Mandatory Requirements:

  • To use provided imagery.


  • CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Folder
  • 3 - 4 Postcards

Having already completed a brief for a promotional pack for another second year Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern I already knew what was expected for this brief. To complete the brief I was giving two days to design and put together the promotional pack.

CV and Cover Letter:

For the CV and cover letter I decided to do something similar to the other brief by making them double sided with a piece of the clients work on the back and the information on the other side.


For the folder I used a template I had already made and adapted it to the brief using the images I was provided with and taking into consideration the clients requirements.


The postcards were kept simple displaying a variety of work produced by the client.

Final Deliverables:

Final Design Boards: