Studio Brief 1: Individual Practice - Jessica Promotional Pack

I was approached by a second year Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern student to create a promotional pack to showcase there work and to be sent out to different studios for placements.


To create a promotional pack with her work to be used to find a placement.


  • Size
  • To fit all content and deliverables into a sleeve.
  • Her work to be the main focus.
  • Simple and Quirky.

Target Audience:

Design companies.

Tone of Voice:

Informative and promotional.

Mandatory Requirements:

  • To use provided imagery.


  • CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Sleeve
  • Postcards

The promotional pack was needed in time for the students exhibition so this brief had a quick turnover. I started off by designing the CV and cover letter.

CV and Cover Letter:

I kept in consideration what the client wanted by some of her quirky work to showcase her style. Using a pattern for the back and making the same pattern gradient into the other side to make it look different from other cv’s. The client has a hand rendered approach so her name would be added later in her own hand writing making each one different.


For the sleeve, I chose to design it the same size as a DL envelope (110mm x 220mm) so the cv and cover letter would fit the sleeve. On one side I placed a pattern the client had sent me and for the other I left blank so hand written typed could be added after.

Final Deliverables:

When the work was presented to the client, she had decided that the sleeve didn’t work well as a holder for the pack and decided to use a belly band with hand written type.

Final Design Boards: